Crime against humanity

Rich Waters
1 min readJul 27, 2020

Nobody should ever forget that Donald J. Trump intentionally slowed down covid testing. It should go down in history as one of the worst atrocitities ever visted on the American people by a US president. As bad as all of his other actions around this disease have been, from lying to us about it’s severity and having it under control, to pressuring governors to reopen to soon, to the whole mask thing, his intentional slowing down of testing is, by far, his worst and cruelest misdeed.

We are 6 months into this pandemic, and people are still waiting on long lines to get tested, and then they wait too long to get their results. The president is the cause of that. He doesn’t want people to get tested. He thinks it’s better not to know who has the disease.

And we don’t need some news article from a questionable source to know this; and we don’t need some sort of convoluted conspiracy theory. He confessed to this crime, and when given the opportunity to claim he was just kidding, he confirmed his confession. As recently as yesterday, he said that testing is overrated.

With what’s going on in Portland and where it looks like we’re headed, history might see this as one of the least of his crimes against humanity, but, for now, his intentional slowdown of covid testing is the worst. I just pray that it stays that way.



Rich Waters

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