Rich Waters
Nov 3, 2020


Surrenderer In Chief

Look at France & Belgium! Look at how easily they were conquered! The Germans are impossible to control! We’re just going to need to learn how to live with them.

That’s how Trump and his followers would have handled the nazis. That’s how they’re handling Covid.

We really shouldn’t be surprised that Trump has surrendered to the Corona virus and given up on controlling it. Surrender is his signature move. Trump should should be known as the Surrenderer In Chief

He surrendered in Syria, where he abandoned our allies, the Kurds.

He surrendered in Afghanistan, where thousands of Talibani prisoners have been released, and the Taliban (who were partially responsible for 9/11) will be part of the new government.

After years of telling us how Obama paid Iran hundreds of millions of dollars for the deal to prevent/delay Iran from building a nuclear weapon, Trump walked away from that deal without getting our money back. In other words, he surrendered that money so now Iran has that money and they’re enriching uranium.

Bankruptcy, which Trump’s businesses declared 4 times, is surrender, both metaphorically and through the explicit surrender of property.

Surrender is the thing Trump is best at. That’s why we really don’t need to fret too much about whether Trump will leave office if he loses the election. He will. Surrender is what he does



Rich Waters

code, mutts, mar, bread, beer, pot, pizza, baseball, phish, politics, rads